Dubai’s Ranked Company
24 Hours At Your Service

Picking a random curtain or furniture piece can ruin your room’s look!
Don’t worry! Our designers won’t let it happen.

Doorstep Delivery In Dubai

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If you purchase a curtain from our curtain store and want to get motorized operations for that. We will surely install motors per your requirements.

We offer customized furniture pieces to suit your decor ideas along with furniture assembling and finishing. Moreover, we offer free sampling, consultations, and deliveries in Dubai.

We don’t sell curtain accessories separately. But, yes, with a curtain purchase, you can tell us the required curtain styling. We do arrange accessorizing this way.

Sorry ma’am, but we offer this service only for our curtains. You can purchase a curtain from us and book us for its installation. Hope, everything’s clear!

No, this is a Dubai-based company. However, we offer services in Abu Dhabi as well because of our feasibility and broad customer approach. For queries, contact us now!

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